Pulmoeasy® Tablets​



Can be used for

  • Pulmonary rehabilitation during Covid
  • Chest congestion
  • Bronchospasm and asthma
  • Obstructive lung disease.
  • Tonsillitis, pharyngitis, common cold, bronchitis



During the early stages of Covid, administration of oral N-Acetyl Cysteine  reduce respiratory mucous, inflammation & increase systemic Glutathione levels and possibly averting hospital admission

Product Contents:

N-Acetyl Cysteine, Nigella sativa, Licorice, Adhatoda vasaka, Commiphora myrrha, Black Pepper Extract, Boswellia serrata ,Nanocurcumin, Vitamin D3 & Vitamin C

Product Details :

Item Contain 1 strip of 10 tablets per quantity

Product Contents: Instructions: Storage:
Each tablet contains

  • N Acetyl Cysteine
  • Vitamin C
  • Nanocurcumin
  • Licorice extract
  • Nigella sativa extract
  • Boswellia extract(AKBA)
  • Adhatoda vasaka extract
  • Commiphora myrrha extract
  • Black Pepper extract
  • Vitamin D3(veg source)
  • Dosage : One tablet BID or TID
  • Diatery Supplement, not for medicinal use, Store in a cool dry place


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